Product Manager 

After co-founding a company in the insurtech industry and helping doctors recover over 1.4 million USD, I  decided to move away from the insurance industry to work with other entrepreneurs and build amazing products. 

Laura Blackaller

About me

I started out as a design enthusiast, diving headfirst into the world of UI/UX. It was all about creating digital experiences that not only looked good but also made sense to users. I've always believed that design is more than just aesthetics; it's about solving problems.

From there, I took a detour into the realm of Product Marketing. I found that my design background was a fantastic asset when it came to crafting compelling marketing strategies. It's like putting the puzzle pieces together to showcase a product's value in the best possible way.

Along the way, I've had the pleasure of collaborating with startup founders on exciting ventures like Pagomed (check it out at It was an incredible journey, and we achieved some great success together. Working closely with entrepreneurs has fueled my passion for innovation and the ever-changing startup landscape.

In recent times, I've been diving deep into the tech scene, with a focus on Fintech, Security, and government sectors. These areas are at the forefront of digital transformation, and I love being part of that change.

If you take a peek at my portfolio, you'll see that it's a reflection of my journey – a journey filled with creating awesome user experiences and contributing to the success of tech-driven projects. I'm excited to keep this journey going, working with tech companies that share my passion for innovation and growth.

Let's connect and have a chat about how I can bring my skills and experiences to your next project.

Some Projects

📦 Sendify

🩺 Pagomed

🏙️ Avisora

🛢️ Quaker Estate


💊 Senosiain

🛵 Zubut

🏥 Cardinal Health

💻 SlideHub

